Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Psychonauts 2 actually a possibility

Markus Persson (Notch of the "Minecraft" Fame) has recently tweeted "Let's Make Psychonauts 2 happen", followed by, "I'm serious". My god, as if anything else could please this absent-minded blogger is a psychonauts sequel. After lurking the popular link sharing website Reddit, I noticed a very particular response to a fellow redditor. (More after the break)

Notch has basically stated:

"Heh, I wouldn't get involved in the game design in any way at all if this happened." Source

As blatant as it seems, this is the best way for the gaming industry to work with long-standing ips that are in need of major funding. As long as there is no interference from the bank, then the game could possibly flourish. Without the bank however, such an awesome opportunity could never surface, especially not after seven years of absence. Here's to a complete and worthwhile sequel! 

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