Friday, February 18, 2011

The Future of Music Gaming

Over the years, publishers have tried to bridge the physical gap of interactivity when it came to implementing controllers for their game systems. One such company managed to change the way musical games were viewed, when Activision released "Guitar Hero" for the Playstation 2 in November of 2008. Featuring a plastic guitar, outfitted with colored buttons corresponding to what was displayed on a running track. The object of the game was to obtain as high of a score as possible while playing familiar tunes, ranging from the likes of Ozzy Osbourne and Aerosmith. Several years after its debut, the Guitar Hero franchise sold millions in hardware, software and music downloads worldwide. Unfortunately, the current owner of the Guitar Hero franchise, Activision-Blizzard, discontinued the series due to poor sales in recent years. What leaves many wondering, is what's next for the future of music gaming? As the granddaddy of rock oriented musical games falls, some may be lost as to what may be next for the ailing genre. Some have turned to games such as "Power Gig", which was the first to include a guitar that more resembled that of an actual guitar. It would seem that realism in the likes of "Power Gig" is the next logical step in musical gaming, as the genre has certainly gone stagnant until abundant innovation is brought in to save the day.  

Power Gig Could be the saving Grace this Genre is looking for.

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